Did you know not that in the Christian France in 586 AD a conference was held to discuss whethe ...
My Mom ’d told me my whole life to be open-minded and to accept everybody, though it was so har ...
He knows Allah forgives people all sins, if He so wills, except one. Allah never forgives peopl ...
Why did this American student choose Islam? What were the mission ingredients in her life and w ...
From Christianity to Islam is April’s ever-changing decision no matter how hard the reaction of ...
A UK new Muslim sister is talking about the transforming experience of coming to Islam; the rea ...
“I've been lost for 22 years. Today I've found my guidance to paradise,” this is how Easley ann ...
How does the Shari`ah outline the purpose of man’s existence in life and all creation? How are ...
To have a higher purpose, this is what Islam is. Before Islam I never felt what happiness truly ...
Fifteen years now a Muslim, Peter describes his life-changing journey; how he found faith, his ...
At 21, Theresa Corbin began her lifelong journey of becoming a Muslim; choosing Islam as a rel ...
Turning her life around, a Colombian young woman became a Muslim. What kind of life had she bee ...
During a training camp in the Gulf country Islam touched the hearts of all the members of this ...
Before embracing Islam William’s life was one of a typical American. What have brought him from ...
To be a Muslim, well-known celebrity Monica quit her acting career leaving her old life and gla ...