What do you know about your Prophet and the sublime characteristics combined in his person? How ...
Can just the uttering of verbal pledge transform one from kufr to iman, or guarantee a change o ...
What does make a person choose Islam? What is their acceptance of Islam as the ultimate truth b ...
Needless to say, we all are Shahadah-event enthusiasts, but after their embracing Islam, how do ...
It’s easy to say “I love Muhammad”, the man we believe in his message of mercy to mankind, but ...
The journey of Ali Camarata, a typical American, from Christianity to Islam is a very telling o ...
The difficulty for many converts comes in the change of daily customs, rather than in the chang ...
How did these fellow new Muslims find Islam and profess their faith despite the hardships? How ...
Exposed to different religions, backgrounds and lifestyles, brother Philippe Martins wanted to ...
Despite Islamophobia and identity challenges these young Muslims have come to terms with their ...
When one is a convert it is undoubtedly frightening and overwhelming. Being a Muslim is no way ...
What did make a Christian of such a conservative upbringing, who always believed in Christianit ...
From a Christian to not just a Muslim, but also a prominent imam and teacher in Huston, Texas, ...
Choosing Islam as your way of life is no way easy or effortless. It is a journey of challenges ...
Why do we willingly and voluntarily obey God, submit to His will? What does stimulate us to adh ...
How did Philip and Rasheed find Islam? How did they find their feet in the religion? How do the ...
How did Diam's find God? How does she feel being Muslim wearing hijab? And how does she feel be ...
From being far away from Islam, from life itself, to living my life for the very religion of Go ...
My life has been very different after converting to Islam. It has been one of the most beautifu ...
What does make some 500 Irish citizens convert to Islam every year? What were they looking for? ...