Practical Ways to Acquiring Knowledge about Islam

Acquiring knowledge generally is not a luxury, and about one’s religion it’s a must When ever w ...

Islam…It’s So Beautiful

It’s my faith, my voice and my choice… These are some words from the new nasheed by Khalil Isma ...

students studying in a classroom

Islam and the Value of Literacy

What does Islam teach about literacy and knowledge? How is knowledge related to exploring the s ...


Through Knowledge You Become Muslim

How knowledge is critical to the preservation of religion in our hearts and on the ground as we ...


Islam: A Religion of Quality

Do our actions as Muslims truly exemplify Islam? How often do you fall for stereotypes? Are wom ...

Qur'an, prayer beads

Prophet Muhammad: The Man Who Educated Humanity

What did Prophet Muhammad educate humanity? What does his saying “Seek knowledge form the cradl ...