Dutch Belgian Man Travelled the World, Found Islam

This Dutch Belgian Man Travelled the World & Found Islam

Embarked on his lifelong dream of travelling the world, visiting 60 countries in 4 years, a 29 ...

American Muslims praying

American Muslims…How to Reclaim Faith, Affirm Love of the Prophet

It’s easy to say “I love Muhammad”, the man we believe in his message of mercy to mankind, but ...


New Muslims… After Finding What They Were Looking for

The difficulty for many converts comes in the change of daily customs, rather than in the chang ...

prayer beads

New Muslim: Being Part of the Whole

‘United we stand, divided we fall’ is not just a proverb or a hollow motto, and for the new Mus ...


New Muslims: Where to Find and Preserve Strength

A new Muslim may be vulnerable to the daily challenges of following the new lifestyle, remainin ...

Bay Area Muslims

Young Muslims Embracing Their True Identity

Despite Islamophobia and identity challenges these young Muslims have come to terms with their ...

tree nature

New Muslims: How to Find Support and Strength

Why though feeling the beauty of Islam might some new Muslims end up leaving the peace they’ve ...


I Want to Be Muslim, But…

When one is a convert it is undoubtedly frightening and overwhelming. Being a Muslim is no way ...

Imam Yahya Graff

From a Christian to a Houston Imam: Yahya Graff

From a Christian to not just a Muslim, but also a prominent imam and teacher in Huston, Texas, ...

Muslims pray in New York

American New Muslims and the Challenges of Conversion

Choosing Islam as your way of life is no way easy or effortless. It is a journey of challenges ...