How to Acquire Knowledge of God

How to Acquire Knowledge of God?

How does one acquire knowledge of and belief in God, His Attributes, His Law and the Day of Jud ...


How Should I Declare the Shahadah?

Where should I say the Shahadah? Being one’s own choice, why should it be in public? Is it just ...


Zakah: Great Wisdom and Many Reasons

Now a Muslim, why am I obliged to pay zakah? Why has it been prescribed at all? If it is about ...

Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam: Their Meaning and Priority

What are the Five Pillars of Islam and what is the origin of this expression? Which comes first ...

The Prophet On Charity and Its Virtues

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Save yourself from Hell-fire even by giving half a date- ...

Ramadan’s last ten days

Ramadan’s Most Special Days: Unmatched Rewards

What is special about Ramadan’s last ten days; why are they that blessed? What do I do in these ...

New Muslims & Ramadan’s Last Precious Ten Days

New Muslims & Ramadan’s Last Precious Ten Days

How’s Ramadan going with you? How do you find yourself, your heart and worship so far? The last ...


The Prophet’s Tahajjud Prayer

How did Prophet Muhammad perform the late night prayer? How did he praise Allah? What du`aa’ di ...

The goal of fasting is taqwa

Ramadan: Reshape Your Life with the Qur’an

Between Ramadan, the Qur’an and our hearts is a unique relationship. How can we take better adv ...

Like rain pouring on the earth, Ramadan comes with streams of meanings and emotions that water dried and thirsty hearts.

Ramadan: Feel the Beauties

In Ramadan we feel so much more attached to Allah and are so careful in our relations with othe ...


Self-development between Purity of Heart & Worldly Conduct

How many of us have that self-improvement desire? Does Islam prescribe any measures to enhance ...


The Friends of Allah: Who and How?

What might we do to attain a higher position in our relation with Him? And why do we need to ge ...


How to Offer the Funeral Prayer

The prayer to God for the deceased Muslim is a common collective duty, what does this mean? How ...

Islam The Greatest Blessing Bestowed upon Mankind

Islam: The Greatest Blessing Bestowed upon Mankind

Islam is the greatest blessing that Allah has bestowed upon mankind and the Qur’an is the great ...

Things That Invalidate Your Sadaqah

Things That Invalidate Your Sadaqah

It is unlawful for the one giving sadaqah to remind the recipient of his generosity, to reproac ...

The Muslim's Rights towards the Prophet

The Muslim’s Rights towards the Prophet

One is not a Muslim until he believes and obeys Prophet Muhammad, giving him his due rights. So ...

What Does It Mean to Believe in Allah

What Does It Mean to Believe in Allah? (Part Two)

As He is One in His Lordship without any partner, He is also One in His servitude. What does it ...

Give Sadaqah Even If You Have Nothing

Give Sadaqah Even If You Have Nothing

Sadaqah is not restricted to any special deed of righteousness. The general rule is that all go ...

The True Muslim between Islam and Iman

The True Muslim between Islam and Iman

How iman (faith) is related to Islam? Who is the Muslim, and who is the mu’min? Is there Islam ...

Islam’s Code of Life Between Faith and Obedience

Islam’s Code of Life: Between Faith and Obedience

Islam means obedience to God. And it is common sense that this obedience cannot be complete unl ...