The Faith Revival (29): Yaqeen is Full Faith

Ask Allah for everlasting faith to obtain your biggest fulfillment in this life. ...

The Faith Revival (28): The Ultimate Gift

When someone gives you a gift, you cherish it. So how do you care for the ultimate gift from Al ...

The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan – Don’t Miss!

The last ten nights of Ramadan are very special. These are the nights that the Prophet Muhammad ...

The Faith Revival (27): Bend, Don’t Break

The "tree of faith" is like a palm tree - deep firm roots, branches high in the sky, and consta ...

The Faith Revival (26): Friends of Faith

Stabilize your faith in righteous company and environments that encourage you to grow closer to ...

The Faith Revival (24): The Guardian of Faith

There is nothing that can foster faith in Allah SWT like a meaningful relationship with the Qur ...

The Faith Revival (23): Unreasonable Goals

Sometimes the most detrimental thing to your iman is setting unrealistic expectations for yours ...

The Faith Revival (22): Why Do People Leave Faith?

Once faith enters into the hearts, there is no way a person would easily give that up. So why w ...

The Faith Revival (21): They Don’t Believe Until…

How do we get to the point where we can taste the sweetness of faith? The journey involves humb ...

The Faith Revival (20): Sweetness of Faith

Once you've tasted the sweetness of faith in your heart, you will do anything to protect it. Le ...

The Faith Revival (19): Faith in Hardship

The firm belief that what has come to you is decreed by Allah (Exalted be He) can keep you stea ...

The Faith Revival (18): Envy and Faith

Envy and stinginess cannot coexist with faith in the heart. Guard your iman by disconnecting yo ...

The Faith Revival (17): Poverty Leads to Disbelief

How does poverty lead to disbelief? Poverty is a difficult test to a person's faith. Seek refug ...

The Faith Revival (16): Two Hungry Wolves

What are the biggest threats to our faith and how can we overcome them? The answer is in today' ...

The Faith Revival (15): The Faith of the Prophets Before

Everyone's faith is occasionally challenged by doubt. Even the prophets had their moments. By i ...

The Faith Revival (14): Allah Rewards You for Your Doubts If…

Satan is always going to whisper. But refusing to allow yourself to turn that whisper into acti ...

The Faith Revival (13): Guidance After Iman

We're always asking God for guidance. But what comes first - guidance or faith? ...

The Faith Revival (12): `Umar Was Always in The Zone

Place your heart "In The Zone" with the intention of seeking from every moment that which will ...

The Faith Revival (11): Remembers His Place in Front of Allah

As human beings, we will never stop sinning. But remembering your place in front of Allah befor ...

The Faith Revival (10): Move Beyond the Catalyst

Allah sends you reminders night and day, and sometimes those reminders are major wake up calls. ...