dawn light

The Life of a Muslim: How Islam Shapes Our Lives?

What kind of life does a Muslim live? Just a human’s, what does distinguish the life of a Musli ...

How to Acquire Knowledge of God

How to Acquire Knowledge of God?

How does one acquire knowledge of and belief in God, His Attributes, His Law and the Day of Jud ...

I Have Been Blessed to Become Muslim

I Have Been Blessed to Become Muslim

I have been blessed to be one of those who have personally received the light and whose heart h ...


How Should I Declare the Shahadah?

Where should I say the Shahadah? Being one’s own choice, why should it be in public? Is it just ...

Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam: Their Meaning and Priority

What are the Five Pillars of Islam and what is the origin of this expression? Which comes first ...

Muhammad- The Noblest of the Prophets and Messengers

Muhammad: The Noblest of the Prophets and Messengers

He is Muhammad ibin `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim. He lived a life full of great man ...


How to Offer the Funeral Prayer

The prayer to God for the deceased Muslim is a common collective duty, what does this mean? How ...

Tawheed: Its Meaning and Categories

Tawheed: Its Meaning and Categories

Tawheed is to single out Allah (Exalted be He) in what is distinct to Him and obligatory for Hi ...


What Do the Prophet’s Traditions Say about Jesus?

How Jesus is seen in Islam? What do the Prophet’s traditions say about Jesus, his virtues, his ...

Islam The Greatest Blessing Bestowed upon Mankind

Islam: The Greatest Blessing Bestowed upon Mankind

Islam is the greatest blessing that Allah has bestowed upon mankind and the Qur’an is the great ...

Islam: The Religion of All Prophets

Islam: The Religion of All Prophets

Allah sent messengers and prophets to take people by the hand and direct them to the path of gu ...

What Are the Individual and Social Effects of Worship

What Are the Individual and Social Effects of Worship?

Worship is obligatory upon every Muslim who is mentally sane and has reached the age of puberty ...

What Does It Mean to Believe in Allah

What Does It Mean to Believe in Allah? (Part Two)

As He is One in His Lordship without any partner, He is also One in His servitude. What does it ...

What is Islam, and How Is It Different from Any Other Religion?

What is Islam, and How Is It Different from Any Other Religion?

Islam is complete submission to Allah the Exalted through Tawheed (Belief in the Oneness of All ...

The Muslim and the Belief in Qadar

The Muslim and the Belief in Qadar

What do the Arabic words Qadaa´ and Qadar mean? What does it mean to belief in Qadaa´ and Qadar ...

The True Muslim between Islam and Iman

The True Muslim between Islam and Iman

How iman (faith) is related to Islam? Who is the Muslim, and who is the mu’min? Is there Islam ...

Islam’s Code of Life Between Faith and Obedience

Islam’s Code of Life: Between Faith and Obedience

Islam means obedience to God. And it is common sense that this obedience cannot be complete unl ...

Muslims praying

Praying on Time: Between Deep Faith & Fashionable Identity

Anywhere on earth prayer can be performed. An American Muslim sister tells her experience with ...

Islam & Legal Rights of Women

Islam & Legal Rights of Women

Do you know that during his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad took counsel with and encouraged over 60 ...

True Freedom

Islam: The True Emancipator of Women Converts

Does Islam suffocate women’s freedom and rights to live properly or does it help them reclaim t ...