How long ago did you convert to Islam? Do you remember the moment you took your Shahadah? What ...
Raised a Roman Catholic Schieber first knew about Islam when it happened to be a student of an ...
How did these American converts find their way into Islam? How did Islam fill the gaps they per ...
Have you heard about the former American Baptist girl and radical feminist, who took up a missi ...
Born Catholic Angelina learned about Islam after interacting with Muslims here and there. She c ...
It’s my faith, my voice and my choice… These are some words from the new nasheed by Khalil Isma ...
“Make things easier; do not make things more difficult. Spread the glad tidings. Do not hate.” ...
Isn’t Allah the God of Muslims? How could we differentiate between the God of Islam and that of ...
The Shahadah is the key to the gates of Paradise, but in order for it to work, be accepted by G ...
What has led you to Islam? How did you respond to call of God? How does Islam go in line with y ...
By following Islam you are truly free. How come? Doesn’t the faith impose various obligations, ...
How do we shorten the prayer? And when is it applicable? When should we make for the missed pra ...
Why do we plead to Allah to ‘guide us to the straight path’? What is unique about such a prayer ...
After pronouncing the Shahadah, it is from the Sunnah that a person do certain things. Learn ab ...
With no husband, no children, no family, no friends, and no job Aminah stood firm to only earn ...
What drives people to convert to Islam? What are the concerns, issues, and struggles that those ...
That’s why the Prophet encouraged Muslims to attend the congregational prayer at the mosque, wa ...
I want to learn Arabic. As a beginner, what should I do? How should I proceed, and from where? ...
Because the Prophet’s intervention women were treated as equals, given rights. Learn how the Pr ...
Have taken the courageous step of submitting to the will of God, you , through devotion to Him ...