Latino Muslims

Why Do So Many US Latinos Choose Islam?

With a significantly increasing Hispanic Muslim community in America arises the question: Why d ...


I Was Looking for a Better Life and I Found Islam

How did a daughter of a drug cartel find Islam? How did she get started searching for a meaning ...

prayer beads, Islam

Experience Lessons from Converting to Islam

What did happen when you declared your conversion to Islam? What have you been through? Was it ...


How Becoming a Muslim Is an Ongoing Process

After a conscious choice for Islam, dealing with one’s own personal reality; family relationshi ...

Without Islam My Life Would Have Been a Lie

Raised a Roman Catholic Schieber first knew about Islam when it happened to be a student of an ...

Pittsburgh's Muslim Movement

Conversion to Islam Fills a Religious Void

How did these American converts find their way into Islam? How did Islam fill the gaps they per ...

Islam is the only religion that communicates total submission to our Creator

Why I Decided to Submit

Born Catholic Angelina learned about Islam after interacting with Muslims here and there. She c ...

New Muslim Converts

New Muslim Converts: We Love Islam, But..

“Make things easier; do not make things more difficult. Spread the glad tidings. Do not hate.” ...

God Allah

Who Do Muslims Worship: God or Allah?

Isn’t Allah the God of Muslims? How could we differentiate between the God of Islam and that of ...


Islam: The Way to Find True Freedom

By following Islam you are truly free. How come? Doesn’t the faith impose various obligations, ...

Convert to Islam

What Drives People to Convert to Islam?

What drives people to convert to Islam? What are the concerns, issues, and struggles that those ...

`Ammar Ibn Yasir - sunrise

`Ammar Ibn Yasir: A Man of Paradise (Part 1)

`Ammar was enduring the dreadful anguish of the body because his spirit was lofty, but now when ...


Prophet Muhammad: The Emancipator of Women’s Rights

Because the Prophet’s intervention women were treated as equals, given rights. Learn how the Pr ...

New Muslim Guide

New Muslim Guide

Have taken the courageous step of submitting to the will of God, you , through devotion to Him ...

Heart in nature

This Is How Islam Stole My Heart…

What she had thought all her life about Islam has nothing to do with the true religion and the ...

I Have Been Blessed to Become Muslim

I Have Been Blessed to Become Muslim

I have been blessed to be one of those who have personally received the light and whose heart h ...

Muhammad: The First Years of His Message

Let us now approach the first years of his message. Those were years one rarely finds an equal ...

What Are the Individual and Social Effects of Worship

What Are the Individual and Social Effects of Worship?

Worship is obligatory upon every Muslim who is mentally sane and has reached the age of puberty ...

Prophet’s Physical Features

Prophet’s Physical Features: As If You Were Seeing Him

One feels amazed by the degree of detailing in the description of the Prophet’s physical featur ...

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Among the seventy-man delegation of the Ansar who took the oath of allegiance to the Prophet in ...