
God: The All-Loving, the Merciful

How is God loving and merciful? What does divine love look like? How is it manifested in the cr ...

Thanksgiving: The Essence of Belief

Thankfulness is among the stations of those journeying to Allah… How does giving thanks contrib ...

New Muslims on Thanksgiving

What is thanksgiving? What’s it truly about? Is it allowed for a Muslim to celebrate it? How? I ...

Names and Attributes of God

Names and Attributes of God: What Does It Mean to Believe in Them?

لإhere is no greater way to connect your heart with your Lord, to moisten your tongue with His ...

nature seat

Islam & Life’s Struggles: What Is Missing in Your life?

What do you struggle with in life? Do you ever wonder what is really missing in your life, or ...

This One Surah Is Mine…What Is Yours?

We all get in touch with God through the Qur’an, the message for all and for each one of us. St ...


This Is What I Love the Most about Islam…

What is your favorite thing about Islam? What thing do you love most about this religion? And w ...

My Favorite Name of God

My Favorite Name of God… What Is Yours?

There are various names and attributes of God, each one of them embraces many great meanings. S ...