Supplication and du`aa’ in Ramadan is an act of Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Here are some authentic supplications related to the Holy Month…

Special Du`aa’ Not to Miss in Ramadan

Supplication and du`aa’ in Ramadan is an act of Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Here ...

Listen attentively to Dr. Tariq Ramadan here…

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 5

Those who believe in Allah ask Him to help them remain on His true path with deep unshakable fa ...

Do we try to connect to God only in times of hardships and adversity?

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 4

Are you one of those who ask God only when facing hardships and weaknesses, those who ask God t ...

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 3

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 3

What did the prophets and messengers of God say in their du`aa’, what did they ask Allah?Learn ...

Daily Planning

Plan Your Schedule in Ramadan

How can we make productivity and achievement attainable over Ramadan without leaving anything b ...

knock earnestly on the doors of God’s mercy, get closer and closer to Him.

Ramadan Daily: Extra Good Deeds

As it's time to knock earnestly on the doors of God’s mercy, get closer and closer to Him. How ...

Why are we fasting?

Ramadan Checklist: Get on the Right Track

How could we make use of the Holy Month to transform our whole life, be better individuals, get ...

Ramadan Chronicles Day 2

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 2

It’s the second day of our fasting, and in efforts to get closer to God every day, what supplic ...

The family does not have the same belief as you. Therefore, they find it very difficult to understand why you fast.

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 1

Here we are on the first day of Ramadan with a new life, a new beginning and a new breath. And ...

the beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Ramadan’s Chronicles: One Supplication a Day

What kinds of supplications are there, and what should we say in our prayer in Ramadan? What if ...

Islamic greeting of salam

Spread Love and Say Salam

If you realized what impact the greeting salam could have, you’d live on that salutation. So, w ...

I Love the Prophet

Measuring your real love for the Prophet, the Companions are the very mode; no one can show you ...

The Qur'an and Social Stability

The Qur’an and Social Stability

How does the Qur’an relate to every and each aspect of our life? What does a heavenly book have ...

Conditions of the Shahadah

The Conditions of the Shahadah to Be Accepted by God

The Shahadah is the key to the gates of Paradise, but in order for it to work, be accepted by G ...

The Prophet’s Biography A Well-Preserved Model for Mankind

The Prophet’s Biography: A Well-Preserved Model for Mankind

We know about the life of our Prophet down to the smallest detail. What an exalted and fascinat ...

Faith is Imperfect without Morality

Morals and Faith in Islam: How Interlinked Are They?

How does faith keep man away from low attributes and mean acts, and how actually does this deve ...

Muslim prayer

The Muslim Prayer: Its Rules and Timing

How do we shorten the prayer? And when is it applicable? When should we make for the missed pra ...


Muharram and `Ashura’: History and Blessings

From the blessed months and occasions in Islam is the sacred month of Muharram which includes t ...


`Ashura’: History and Significance

What do you know about `Ashura’ ? Why is fasting on that day of great merits in Islam? What di ...

A Beginners Guide to Prayer in Islam

Are you new to Islam and don’t know how to pray and make your prayer valid? Do you know what is ...