
The Oneness of God and Man’s Recognition of It

Man, by nature, has an inherent inborn recognition of his Creator, but how does man recognize G ...

Beautiful Names of Allah Al-Ghaffar The All-Forgiving

Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-Ghaffar (The All-Forgiving)

Allah’s Beautiful Name, Al-Ghaffar, comes in the Qur’an under three forms. What are they? Who i ...

Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-`Ali (The Highest)

The One Who is above and exceeds all others. The Most High, above whom there is nothing higher. ...


Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-Kareem (The Most Generous)

How is Allah Al-Kareem? What does belief in God being As-Salam say about one’s relationship wit ...

Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-Mu`ti (The Giver)

Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-Mu`ti (The Giver)

How is Allah Al-Mu`ti (the Giver)? What does He actually give us? If God is the Giver, why are ...

As-Salam , source of peace

Beautiful Names of Allah: As-Salam (The Source of Peace)

How is Allah As-Salam? What does this name stand for? What does it have to do with God’s Acts a ...


Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-Mu’min (The Believer)

How is Allah Al-Mu’min (the Believer)? We, Muslims, believe in Allah, His Messenger, the Day of ...

generous nature

Why Is Allah Al-Kareem (The Most Generous)?

When we say Allah Al-Kareem, what is meant by that? In what ways is He the Most generous? Where ...


Even Atheists Know God

There’s a kind of indirect proof from our nature, as humans, that we know God. Even those who r ...

Allah the One

Allah Is One: Why Do We Believe in That?

The concept of Oneness in Islam is not limited to Allah's singularity and uniqueness. There are ...