What does hajj in essence mean and what is it meant to instill in man? How do the adherents of ...
Millions of Muslims converge yearly to Saudi Arabia to perform the annual Hajj, one of the worl ...
A new Muslim now, the once strident Islamophobe, who produced an offensive film about Islam and ...
How it feel for someone who have left everything behind solely to answer the call of God, stand ...
He left everything behind to accompany Him alone, focus on Him, feel His presence in such a sac ...
How was Murad Hofmann’s Hajj? How did Hajj quench his thirst; meeting God? What did he find the ...
There are some specific Prophetic acts related to performing Hajj. What do you know about these ...
What real-world benefits are there behind performing Tawaf or any other rite of Hajj? What does ...
How is Hajj described in the Qur’an, in what context? Why does the Ka`bah, although a structure ...
Can you imagine being in the company of God, feeling His touch on your heart and soul? Can you ...
What did Abraham’s ancestors do with his message, teachings? What did happen with the Ka’bah, t ...
How was Abraham “ a Muslim”? What did he come to tell about God and Islam, and instill in us hu ...
Watch this series of Shows in which Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan explains how the Qur'an details the ri ...
Why and how was the Ka`bah built? How does it relate to the meaning and history of Islam? What ...
No sooner had Ibrahim made the declaration that he would never worship the deities which his pe ...
The E-Da`wah Committee is pleased to present this short video on the merits of the first ten da ...
What do you know about the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? What are the recommendable acts durin ...
Hajj is a life-time journey; if conducted properly, it will erase all sins of the pilgrim. So, ...
Why are these 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah important? What are some of the thing I can be doing durin ...
Like no other days in the Islamic calendar, the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah have a very speci ...