What is the significance of saying as-salamu `alaykum (peace be upon you)? ...
How could you gain the success and pleasure of Allah? ...
How can a Muslim achieve tranquility and peace in life, and where does true happiness lie? How ...
The E-Da`wah Committee is pleased to present this short video on the merits of the first ten da ...
Though we are not exactly alike, we are equal. How? What does equality mean? Didn’t Allah creat ...
What kind of life does a Muslim live? Just a human’s, what does distinguish the life of a Musli ...
Like no other days in the Islamic calendar, the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah have a very speci ...
Discussing the objectives of our actions is an important thing because to do so is to discuss t ...
What rights does man have in Islam? How does Islam defend and protect human rights? As far as f ...
How did the Prophet oppose all forms of racism, and accordingly lay the basis for justice and s ...
What do you do when you come to the end of a period of great effort and find only an insurmount ...
Allah has favored over other days, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are a great season of wors ...
Are democracy and democratic practices something known to Islam? Is it compatible with Islamic ...
In the midst of his severe affliction, what did Prophet Ayyub say? What did he ask Allah for, a ...
Possessing two weapons, his lance and his prayer. Whenever Sa`d pierced an enemy with his lance ...
What should we do in the cherished first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? How could we get the utmost b ...
What should you supposed to pack for the blessed Hajj journey? Here are some of the basics that ...
Some people think they are better because of their gender, clan, color, race, political positio ...
Why do we fast Ramadan? Why is it made obligatory on you? What is the real purpose of fasting, ...
From the twelve lunar months of the Islamic calendar there are four sacred. What are they, and ...