Patience is such a basic quality that a Muslim needs it to shape his life in this world and in ...
The true Muslim is the one who doesn’t rely only upon their declaration of Islam, acts of worsh ...
There are many religions in the world, and each one claims to be the one and only true religion ...
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either sp ...
Allah has demanded of the people that they should build up their life on the foundation of trut ...
When all other religions turn their attention first only towards the performance of worship and ...
He knows Allah forgives people all sins, if He so wills, except one. Allah never forgives peopl ...
It is a miracle and blessing from Allah that you’re able to absorb the Qur’an. What do need to ...
In order to be a true, better or a perfect Muslim, there’re some requirements. Through what can ...
It began when these ‘so beautiful’ verses touched his heart and this is how this Muslim brother ...
How does the Shari`ah outline the purpose of man’s existence in life and all creation? How are ...