
Prayer: The Healthy Structure of Your Life

In Islam prayers are required five times a day. How are they distributed throughout the day? Wh ...

Family Comes First

Family Life: Lessons from the Qur’an

How do you play your role in your family, community, and in life? How do you manage your family ...

New Muslims, Niqab

New Muslims, Niqab and Family Issues

Is wearing a niqab obligatory in Islam? Besides, my parents are difficult. How do I deal with t ...


Islam and the Value of Time

Do we own time? How is it precious? How do you spend your time? What does Islam say about it? W ...


With Every Shahadah a New Life Is Born

How long ago did you convert to Islam? Do you remember the moment you took your Shahadah? What ...

Daily Planning

Plan Your Schedule in Ramadan

How can we make productivity and achievement attainable over Ramadan without leaving anything b ...

punctuality is respectful of people's time

Punctuality: The Norm of Muslim

How punctual should a Muslim be? Is it only a religious rule relating to prayer times? How shou ...

Islamic greeting of salam

Spread Love and Say Salam

If you realized what impact the greeting salam could have, you’d live on that salutation. So, w ...

Choosing God

Are we happy to be in God's presence? God is always there, but do we want to re-orientate our l ...

Muslim prayer

The Muslim Prayer: Its Rules and Timing

How do we shorten the prayer? And when is it applicable? When should we make for the missed pra ...

A Beginners Guide to Prayer in Islam

Are you new to Islam and don’t know how to pray and make your prayer valid? Do you know what is ...

Congregational Prayer

What Did the Prophet say about Congregational Prayer?

That’s why the Prophet encouraged Muslims to attend the congregational prayer at the mosque, wa ...


How to Offer the Funeral Prayer

The prayer to God for the deceased Muslim is a common collective duty, what does this mean? How ...

Praer in Islam

Prayer: The Basic Duty and Pivotal Concept in Islam

Prayer (Salah) being one of the five pillars of Islam is mentioned many times in the Qur’an as ...

What Qur’an and Sunnah Say about Those Who Ignore Their Prayers

What Qur’an and Sunnah Say about Those Who Ignore Their Prayers

Prayer is one of the most important acts in Islam. Allah strongly warns those who tamper with t ...

between a new hijri year and a leaving one

Between a New Hijri Year and a Leaving One

Allah’s Mercy encompasses all things. Whoever repents after doing wrong, Allah will accept his ...

Muslims praying

Praying on Time: Between Deep Faith & Fashionable Identity

Anywhere on earth prayer can be performed. An American Muslim sister tells her experience with ...

Ghusl on Friday

Ghusl on Friday: Recommended?

Why should the Muslim perform ghusl before going to Friday Prayer? Is it obligatory or preferre ...


Prayer: Between Worship and Day-to-day Life

Why is prayer so important? What is its true meaning and significance? Why is it a lifelong wor ...

The Adhan Its Virtues and History

The Adhan: Its Virtues and History

The adhan, although it has very few words, covers all essentials of the faith. How is that? Wha ...