prayer beads

What Makes Me a Muslim?

In addressing your Muslim identity, there are some questions you needs to ask: What makes a Mus ...


Faith: Does It Increase and Decrease?

What does outline one’s true faith? How does a Muslim describe himself as a believer? Where doe ...


Islam: The Way to Find True Freedom

By following Islam you are truly free. How come? Doesn’t the faith impose various obligations, ...

Convert to Islam

What Drives People to Convert to Islam?

What drives people to convert to Islam? What are the concerns, issues, and struggles that those ...

Hijab Day

On World Hijab Day: Stand for Her Right to Cover

World Hijab Day (WHD) is an annual event in its fifth year. On February 1st of every year, WHD ...

Yasmin Mogahed

What Does Hijab Mean to Yasmin Mogahed?

What did motivate Yasmin Mogahed to wear the hijab at that age of 13? What change did hijab bri ...

15 Daily Supplications & Etiquettes Islam Teaches Uu

15 Daily Supplications and Their Etiquette (Part 1)

The Messenger of Allah never found any fault in food. If he liked it he ate it, and if he did n ...

Top 10 Celebrities Who Have Converted to Islam

With average citizens turning towards Islam, famous celebs have also come forward, admitting to ...

Allah God

Between God & Allah: What Do Muslims Believe?

In Arabic, Allah means literally the One God. But how do different languages give the same thin ...

American Muslim

American Muslim Poll: Muslim Community Is Both Pious & Patriotic

Muslims who regularly attend mosques are more likely to work with their neighbors to solve comm ...

deep-rooted tree

How to Live & Develop as Muslim

To be and remain Muslim is an unfailing process of belief and conduct. But, where does the cycl ...

nature seat

Islam & Life’s Struggles: What Is Missing in Your life?

What do you struggle with in life? Do you ever wonder what is really missing in your life, or ...

muslim prayer

Who Is the Muslim and How to Be One?

You could be a slave of God or of someone or something else. That’s to serve God according to H ...