The mosque is where Muslims should pray five times every day, where they seek refuge from the t ...
Ghusl means to wash the entire body with water. What are the rulings of ghusl from Qur’an and S ...
The adhan, although it has very few words, covers all essentials of the faith. How is that? Wha ...
We, as Muslims, have to purify ourselves before offering prayer. In this video, Sheikh Mohammad ...
When the Muslim community migrated to Madinah, they faced all sorts of new questions – like whe ...
What are the merits attributed to those who regularly and properly perform the Night Prayer? An ...
What is the Friday Prayer so special? Why is it obligatory, and upon whom? How important is for ...
How does a middle-aged, white Scottish man living in the Scottish Highlands end up becoming a M ...
If you seek to become a sincere Muslim, be on the straight path of Islam, achieve success and f ...
Why are mosques established in Islam? What role did the Prophet's mosque play in early Muslim s ...
Do you have a trouble getting up for the Fair Prayer? What about getting up even earlier than t ...