Do we own time? How is it precious? How do you spend your time? What does Islam say about it? W ...
A commitment to one’s partner, to life itself, to society, and most importantly, to God. How ch ...
We can choose to do right or wrong, to worship and obey God or not. Why do we make those choice ...
What does it mean to follow God’s way? How are Islamic values and teachings implemented in ever ...
How does Islam see the woman as a daughter and a wife? What rights do they have in Islam? How h ...
How God is the Loving? What is the nature of that love, and what are its signs? How do we recei ...
Marriage plays such a large part in human affairs that it must necessarily be taken into accoun ...
The Judicial system in Islam is structured to assure the establishment of justice among people, ...
A wife is entitled to receive a dowry from her husband which a marriage contract is void withou ...
In marriage there is comfort to the soul, there is beauty to look at, there is company, and the ...
“Marriage is my recommended custom. Whoso-ever turns away from my recommended custom is turning ...
World Hijab Day (WHD) is an annual event in its fifth year. On February 1st of every year, WHD ...
What did motivate Yasmin Mogahed to wear the hijab at that age of 13? What change did hijab bri ...
Someone might wonder how a rational, practical minded person could believe in life after death. ...
Allah tells us to search for Him. Where should we search for Him? What tools and equipment do w ...
When religion is about belief in God, why do I need to practice it? What does practice affect o ...
We all get in touch with God through the Qur’an, the message for all and for each one of us. St ...
What is your favorite thing about Islam? What thing do you love most about this religion? And w ...
There are various names and attributes of God, each one of them embraces many great meanings. S ...
How is God Al-Mu’min, the Believer? In what does Allah believe? What does the name tell about G ...