nature-green fields

Make Your Way to Jannah

How do we get closer to Paradise? How do we engage in constant self-development process every s ...


God: The All-Loving, the Merciful

How is God loving and merciful? What does divine love look like? How is it manifested in the cr ...

beautiful nature

Life’s True Joy and Major Assets

Between life’s countless pleasures and temptations and one’s commitment to their faith and God, ...

path in nature

On the Path to God

What should the purpose of life be; pleasing God or seeking paradise? How does one seek God’s w ...

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God in Islam: What God Teaches about Himself

What does belief in God mean in Islam? How does Islam view monotheism? How do we know about the ...


The Oneness of God and Man’s Recognition of It

Man, by nature, has an inherent inborn recognition of his Creator, but how does man recognize G ...

Brother Paul

Brother Paul: It Takes Time to Learn What Islam Is about

Brother Paul, an American new Muslim tells his conversion story to Islam; how he learned about ...

prayer beads, Islam

Experience Lessons from Converting to Islam

What did happen when you declared your conversion to Islam? What have you been through? Was it ...

My Way to Islam

Who is your God? How did you find Him? What are His words? Who is His final Messenger, from his ...

Islam and the Meaning of Deen

To accept only Allah as the Lord of reward and punishment, covet no reward, fear no punishment, ...

gloomy nature

The Concept of Sin in Islam

How does Islam see sin and evil? On the Day of Judgment will we be held accountable for what ou ...

nature way

Why Do We Worship and Obey God?

We can choose to do right or wrong, to worship and obey God or not. Why do we make those choice ...


The Straight Path and How to Follow It

What does it mean to follow God’s way? How are Islamic values and teachings implemented in ever ...

Polytheism.. Its Meaning and Categories

Polytheism: Its Meaning and Categories

How does Polytheism or ascribing partners to Allah nullify faith in the Oneness of Allah? And w ...

field of flowers

How to Earn the Love of Allah

How God is the Loving? What is the nature of that love, and what are its signs? How do we recei ...

Closeness to God

Dhikr: Closeness through Worship

How can one get closer to God through specific acts of worship? Is it through obligatory or sup ...

Worship- A Lifelong Service

Worship: A Lifelong Service

What is the real `ibadah (worship) for which God has created you and which He has enjoined upon ...

Beautiful Names of Allah Al-Ghaffar The All-Forgiving

Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-Ghaffar (The All-Forgiving)

Allah’s Beautiful Name, Al-Ghaffar, comes in the Qur’an under three forms. What are they? Who i ...

Beautiful Names of Allah: Al-`Ali (The Highest)

The One Who is above and exceeds all others. The Most High, above whom there is nothing higher. ...

true religion

How Do We Know the True Religion?

There are many religions in the world, and each one claims to be the one and only true religion ...