
All Humans Are Inclined to Be Muslims

How is Islam the religion of human nature? Why are humans inclined naturally to be Muslims? Why ...


You Are a Muslim and Your Prophet Is Muhammad

What do you know about your Prophet and the sublime characteristics combined in his person? How ...


The Two Words I Never Was Fortunate to Say to My Mother…

My mother has been there all my life, never failed me once, never. And never once have I ever c ...

Scottish Muslim

A Scottish New-Muslim: I Converted to Islam without Ever Meeting a Muslim

How does a middle-aged, white Scottish man living in the Scottish Highlands end up becoming a M ...

Rights of the Muslim

Citizenship in Islam: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (2/3)

In a previous article, we mentioned two of the rights of the Muslim upon his Muslim brother. We ...

Citizenship in Islam Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim

Citizenship in Islam: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (1/3)

What rights does a Muslim have upon another Muslim? How do they relate to belief? How do the Qu ...


Between Belief and Treating Parents in Islam

How does Islam govern one’s relationship with parents? Why does mother have such a significant ...

Islam and Healthcare

'Your body has a right over you.' 'For every disease there is a cure.' What do these sayings im ...


Islam, Muslims, and the One God

It seems, to some, that all Muslims are Arabs and the non-Arab are ’different’ Muslims; that th ...

Islam also teaches us that the best kind of forgiveness is answering the oppression of others with kindness

Forgiveness and Tolerance in Islam

Can hatred dwell in the heart of a the believer? How does your heart react to others’ misdoings ...

muslim woman wearing hijab

Theresa Corbin: Nothing but Islam Appealed to My Intellect and Feminist Ideals

At 21, Theresa Corbin began her lifelong journey of becoming a Muslim; choosing Islam as a rel ...


The Moral System of Islam: Motives and Practices

Why do we willingly and voluntarily obey God, submit to His will? What does stimulate us to adh ...


Parents in Islam: Their Rights and Status

How do Muslims treat their parents? How about non-Muslim parents? What do the Qur’an and Sunnah ...

balance in life

What Is Unique about Islamic Ethics?

Promoting and calling for the same universal human standard of morality, what is unique about I ...

people with disabilities

Islam and People with Disabilities

Valuing, integrating and supporting persons with disabilities is critical in Islam. Lean what d ...

AIDS apademic

Islam and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic

What does Islam teaches that avail in preventing and tackling pandemics? How does its approach ...