Hajj 2013

Hajj 2013: In Pictures

Millions of Muslims converge yearly to Saudi Arabia to perform the annual Hajj, one of the worl ...

Arnoud van Doorn

Former Anti-Islam Advocate, Arnoud van Doorn, in Hajj

A new Muslim now, the once strident Islamophobe, who produced an offensive film about Islam and ...

Makkah at night

Hajj: Seeing the Unseen

How it feel for someone who have left everything behind solely to answer the call of God, stand ...


Hajj: A Different Level of Existence

He left everything behind to accompany Him alone, focus on Him, feel His presence in such a sac ...


Sunnah Acts in Hajj

There are some specific Prophetic acts related to performing Hajj. What do you know about these ...


Hajj: For Every Act There Is a Benefit

What real-world benefits are there behind performing Tawaf or any other rite of Hajj? What does ...

Surat Al-Hajj 22_Quran

Hajj: Its Meaning and Position from the Qur’an

How is Hajj described in the Qur’an, in what context? Why does the Ka`bah, although a structure ...


My Lifetime Journey

Can you imagine being in the company of God, feeling His touch on your heart and soul? Can you ...


Hajj: From Abraham to Muhammad, and In-between

What did Abraham’s ancestors do with his message, teachings? What did happen with the Ka’bah, t ...


Abraham: The Muslim Prophet

How was Abraham “ a Muslim”? What did he come to tell about God and Islam, and instill in us hu ...

Does Islam Teach Terrorism?

Does Islam allow the killing of innocent people? Does Islam permit terrorism? Can Islam be judg ...

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & the Martyr of Martyrs (Part 2)

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & the Martyr of Martyrs (Part 2)

Allah supported Islam with Hamzah and his conversion. He was strong in defending the Prophet of ...


The Ka`bah: History and Significance

Why and how was the Ka`bah built? How does it relate to the meaning and history of Islam? What ...

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & Martyr of Martyrs (Part 1)

There were people among the non-believers who yearned to declare their belief in Muhammad, but ...


The Hijrah: History and Living Lessons

Hijrah to Madinah, no doubt, kindled the light of hope in the hearts of the early Muslims who s ...

What to Do on the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah (EDC Video)

The E-Da`wah Committee is pleased to present this short video on the merits of the first ten da ...

First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah: Do’s and Don’ts

What do you know about the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? What are the recommendable acts durin ...

`Ammar Ibn Yasir - sunrise

`Ammar Ibn Yasir: A Man of Paradise (Part 1)

`Ammar was enduring the dreadful anguish of the body because his spirit was lofty, but now when ...

What is a Mosque?

What does the word mosque originally mean and where did it come from? Why were mosques built? ...

First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah: Special Season of Worship

Like no other days in the Islamic calendar, the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah have a very speci ...