How did these American converts find their way into Islam? How did Islam fill the gaps they per ...
“Make things easier; do not make things more difficult. Spread the glad tidings. Do not hate.” ...
Because the Prophet’s intervention women were treated as equals, given rights. Learn how the Pr ...
Have taken the courageous step of submitting to the will of God, you , through devotion to Him ...
What she had thought all her life about Islam has nothing to do with the true religion and the ...
Do you know that during his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad took counsel with and encouraged over 60 ...
Does Islam suffocate women’s freedom and rights to live properly or does it help them reclaim t ...
Did you know not that in the Christian France in 586 AD a conference was held to discuss whethe ...
My Mom ’d told me my whole life to be open-minded and to accept everybody, though it was so har ...
How did this new Muslim sister find her way to Islam? When was the beginning? What happened w ...
Sami is an American living in Saudi Arabia. He came to Saudi Arabia in 2011 for work. When he c ...
Years since I converted and I find myself sometimes asking “Did I really need to convert or was ...
I failed to see Christianity as truth which led me to see many examples of the inconsistencies ...
Becoming a Muslim is a scary undertaking. With so much unknown that lies ahead, converting to I ...
Embarked on his lifelong dream of travelling the world, visiting 60 countries in 4 years, a 29 ...
Why did this American student choose Islam? What were the mission ingredients in her life and w ...
In Arabic, Allah means literally the One God. But how do different languages give the same thin ...
She was raised as a Christian. Her life was pretty normal. Then things got weird. How did she f ...
Muslims who regularly attend mosques are more likely to work with their neighbors to solve comm ...
She went to a Bible college to study and become a missionary. Then and in this very missionary ...