How did this new Muslim sister find her way to Islam? When was the beginning? What happened w ...
Years since I converted and I find myself sometimes asking “Did I really need to convert or was ...
Allah tells us to search for Him. Where should we search for Him? What tools and equipment do w ...
I failed to see Christianity as truth which led me to see many examples of the inconsistencies ...
Five times a day, roughly 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, bow, kneel, and place their foreheads ...
While speaking to his father the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) did not take to logic nor ...
What does the Prophet’s Sunnah say and indicate about prayer, its importance, rules and reward? ...
How is Allah Al-Kareem? What does belief in God being As-Salam say about one’s relationship wit ...
Allah is All-Merciful and Oft-Forgiving. Indeed, He may forgive all sins except for one. What i ...
She was raised as a Christian. Her life was pretty normal. Then things got weird. How did she f ...
How is Allah Al-Mu`ti (the Giver)? What does He actually give us? If God is the Giver, why are ...
How is Allah As-Salam? What does this name stand for? What does it have to do with God’s Acts a ...
How is Allah Al-Mu’min (the Believer)? We, Muslims, believe in Allah, His Messenger, the Day of ...
When we say Allah Al-Kareem, what is meant by that? In what ways is He the Most generous? Where ...
There’s a kind of indirect proof from our nature, as humans, that we know God. Even those who r ...
The concept of Oneness in Islam is not limited to Allah's singularity and uniqueness. There are ...
How can we truly feel the presence of God at all times, and make His remembrance (dhikr) permea ...
When religion is about belief in God, why do I need to practice it? What does practice affect o ...
Everything good or bad, all moments of happiness or sorrow, pleasure or pain, come from God. Wh ...
To do dhikr is to strive to fill all your moments, all your thoughts and all your actions with ...