reading qur'an

`Abdullah ibn `Umar: The Persistent Repentant to Allah (Part 1)

Of knowledge, modesty, straight conscience and path, piety, persistence in worship, and sincere ...


Salman Al-Farisi: The Seeker after the Truth (Part 1)

Who was that Persian Companion of the Prophet? What was his story with the trench? How did he c ...


Prophet Muhammad: The Greatest Revolutionary Ever

Why, in the whole of history of mankind, is Prophet Muhammad the unique example of a ‘maker of ...


Spirituality and Productivity: The Prophet’s Recipe

Spirituality and Productivity… are they a hard-to-reach combination? How do they go together? L ...

Zayd ibn Harithah: From Bondage to the Prophet’s Home

Giving Zayd the choice between staying with him or returning to his parent’s, the Prophet laid ...

Ibn Rushd - Averroes

Ibn Rushd: The Muslim Averroes

Abul-Walid ibn Rushd, known in the West as Averroes, was the exemplar of a Muslim scientist and ...


Who Is the Altruist and How to Be One?

What is altruism? And who exactly are the altruistic? What is the status of altruism in Islam? ...

the Qur'an

The People of the Book in the Qur’an

Who are the People of the Book? What does the Qur’an say about them? Does Islam regard them as ...


Salman Al-Farisi: A Journey of Truth and Existence (2/3)

Leaving the luxury and wealth of his family, to the wilderness of desert, Salamsn set out on un ...


Mus`ab ibn `Umayr: The First Envoy of Islam (2/2)

With unmistakable good sense, excellent mind, true faith and a noble character Mus`ab had prove ...

wild flowers

Mus`ab ibn `Umayr: The First Envoy of Islam (1/2)

From a pampered rich young man to a legendary icon of faith, bravery, firmness and dedication. ...