The Rituals of Hajj by E-Da`wah Committee

Hajj is the journey of life-time. If conducted properly, it will erase all sins of the pilgrim. ...


Offering Sacrifice: Refrain from This

Offering the sacrifice during the `Eid is a divine order from Allah to Muslims. But do you know ...

The Sacrifice: Rulings and Conditions

Who should sacrifice and what are the conditions? What is the time of sacrifice? What should th ...


Hajj: Why and How?

The sacred month of Dhul-Hijjah is approaching when the journey of a lifetime takes place. What ...

A Brief Guide to Hajj by EDC

A Brief Guide to Hajj (EDC Video)

Every Muslim intending to undertake this journey should first learn well its rituals and how to ...

Hajj Baggage

What to Pack for Hajj

What should you supposed to pack for the blessed Hajj journey? Here are some of the basics that ...


Places of Ihram (Miqat) Map

There are five particular places appointed for entering the state of ihram, which is a basic co ...

The Fifth Pillar of Islam: Hajj

If not a visit to the shrines of saints, to monasteries for help from holy men, or to sights wh ...


For Valid Acts of Worship

Why are we obliged to worship God? How do we properly meet such obligation? What guarantees a v ...


The Rights towards God

What duties do we, creatures, owe to God? What are the requirements of being Muslim? What sense ...

The Deeds Most Beloved to God: The Gates to Goodness

From God’s mercy, there’re some deeds through which we get closer to Him, earn His good pleasur ...


Worship in Islam: Why Obligatory?

Why is worship obligatory upon Muslims? What does worship teaches us? What are its impacts on i ...

pink flower

Believers and Best Types of Worship

The status of worship in your heart and your dedication to it shows what a kind of believer you ...

Son of Arnoud van Doorn

Son of Former Anti-Islam Advocate Accepts Islam

“I saw my father become more peaceful after converting to Islam. That’s when I realized there i ...


Pilgrimage: The Journey of Different Religions

What does hajj in essence mean and what is it meant to instill in man? How do the adherents of ...