How do you play your role in your family, community, and in life? How do you manage your family ...
Is wearing a niqab obligatory in Islam? Besides, my parents are difficult. How do I deal with t ...
Why do we, humans, need the Messengers? Did all God’s Messengers come with the same message? Wh ...
What does it mean to be Muslim? Put differently, what does make one worthy of being Muslim? Wha ...
The Islamic view of Jesus is one between two extremes. How do Muslims see Jesus? How was he bor ...
Certain basic states and attitudes of heart and mind are a necessary prerequisite to any fruitf ...
The Qur'an is Allah's greatest blessing for you; the fulfillment of His promise to Adam and his ...
Watch this illustrated video by brother Nouman Ali Khan explaining how following the Qur’an imp ...
Prolonged companionship with the Qur’an is one of our most cherished desires, but do we really ...
The Qur'an is a record of the exact words revealed by Allah through the Angel Gabriel to the Pr ...
What role does the Qur’an play in the lives of Muslims? How do we actually act upon such a role ...