
Faith: Does It Increase and Decrease?

What does outline one’s true faith? How does a Muslim describe himself as a believer? Where doe ...

Faith is Imperfect without Morality

Morals and Faith in Islam: How Interlinked Are They?

How does faith keep man away from low attributes and mean acts, and how actually does this deve ...

palm trees-yathrib

First Muslim Community in Madinah & the Groundwork for Hijrah

Twelve people from Yathrib pledging allegiance to the Prophet that they would worship only the ...


A Brief Guide to Hajj (Poster)

Every year millions of Muslims from around the world pour into Makkah on the lifetime spiritual ...

How to Raise Truthful Children

How to Raise Truthful Children

Islam commands that in the hearts of the children the seeds of the greatness and importance of ...

morals sunrays

Moral Teachings of Muhammad: Lessons from the Sunnah

The Prophet’s life mirrored the due harmony between faith and actions. He is the exemplary and ...

The Foundations of Good Moral Character

The Foundations of Good Moral Character: The Prophet’s Excellent Example

Before advising his followers to adopt a moral life by giving sermons and counsels, he was sowi ...

How to Treat Our Hearts and Develop Sound Belief

How to Treat Our Hearts and Develop Sound Belief

Sound belief is accomplished by removing any doubtful matters from the heart. This is easy by t ...

Islam The Religion of Nature

Islam: The Religion of Nature

The function of the nature is to follow the right path, and to rush towards it, unless it is ov ...

birth of the Prophet

A Blessed Birth of a Noble Prophet

The Last Prophet was born in one of Makkah’s noble families, Banu Hashim, which enjoyed great r ...

Patience: A Tower of Light for the Muslim

Patience is such a basic quality that a Muslim needs it to shape his life in this world and in ...

between a new hijri year and a leaving one

Between a New Hijri Year and a Leaving One

Allah’s Mercy encompasses all things. Whoever repents after doing wrong, Allah will accept his ...


Muhammad: The Exemplar of Coexistence and Moderation

Forgiveness, moderation, justice, and mercy are the basics of Islamic ethics which were reflec ...

dessert nature

Muhammad’s Relationship with Nature: Faith throughout the Mission

How did the Prophet’s life in the desert fashioned him and his outlook on creation and the Crea ...

Prophet Muhammad morals

Prophet Muhammad: A Morality Message for All Time

Equality of opportunity, mercy, justice, human rights, peaceful coexistence and respect for nat ...


Prophet Muhammad: A Message of Love & Tolerance

Because he realized the nature of the human self; its needs, defects and desires, and because h ...

The True Muslim How Apply it to Your Life

The True Muslim: How to Apply it to Your Life?

The true Muslim is the one who doesn’t rely only upon their declaration of Islam, acts of worsh ...

Speak a Good Word or Remain Silent

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either sp ...

There’s No Belief Without Truth

There’s No Belief Without Truth

Allah has demanded of the people that they should build up their life on the foundation of trut ...

Prophet's Moral Teachings

For an Ideal Personality: The Prophet’s Moral Teachings

When all other religions turn their attention first only towards the performance of worship and ...