
Instagramadan 26: How Exactly Does Ramadan Make Us Grateful?

What lessons of gratitude do Ramadan teach us? How does Ramadan provide us with heart-transfor ...

Last Ten

Instagramadan 24: The Du`aa’ You Need to Make These Last Ten

What is the du`aa’ we need to make these precious last ten days of Ramadan? What is the du`aa’ ...


Instagramadan 21: Focus, Focus, Focus

We've made it to the final ten nights of Ramadan So, how could we focus on getting the best t ...


Instagramadan 20: In God We Trust

In every relationship, one of the main aspects of the health of that relationship is trust. Do ...


Ramadan Exclusive: The Diseased Heart

There is no cure for a diseased heart, that of the hypocrites (munafiqun) who have given Shayta ...


Instagramadan 18: The Mid-Ramadan Slump

During these middle ten days of Ramadan, most of us are afflicted with the dreaded "mid-Ramadan ...

Fasting: Exclusively Private Worship

Fasting: Exclusively Private Worship

How does Allah, throughout Ramadan, put to the test a Muslim`s faith for a full month? Who are ...


Instagramadan 16: The Appetite of Backbiting

Just like we have appetites for food and drink, our tradition teaches us that the soul actually ...


Instagramadan 15: Our Sins & Allah’s Forgiveness

In Surat Az-Zumar, Allah calls upon us in a very unique way - not by our belief, but by our mis ...


Ramadan Exclusive: Verses in Context

The Qur’an is very sensitive to context, both historical and textual. Unlike the common underst ...


Instagramadan 14: Symptoms of Envy & How to Treat It

When we talk about the dangers of envy, we typically speak about the dangers impacting the one ...

Allah’s Mercy

Instagramadan 13: What Does Allah’s Mercy Feel Like?

Do you feel the difference between day 1 and day 10 of Ramadan? Watch this one-minute clip to f ...


Why Are You Really Fasting?

Why do we fast Ramadan? Why is it made obligatory on you? What is the real purpose of fasting, ...


Instagramadan 8: Our Relationship with Allah & with Others

One of the laws of spirituality is that our relationship with Allah is impacted by our relation ...


Instagramadan 6: The Reward of the Fasting Person

One of the reasons why Fasting is so difficult at times, is because the reward is so great. Eve ...

close friends

Instagramadan 5: Are You & Allah Close Friends?

Reflect for a moment on what makes you and your closest friends closer than other people. Often ...

inner self

Ramadan: A Time to Know Your Inner Self

How does Ramadan liberate man from what holds them back or down? How does fasting reshape our s ...


Don’t Let Your Tongue Spoil Your Ramadan

There are things that could possibly spoil our fasting, ruin our Ramadan from the very beginnin ...

Ramadan crescent

Your First Ramadan: Get It Right

Looking ahead to your first Ramadan as a Muslim? How do you expect it to be? What plans do you ...

Ramadan Objectives & Lessons (1)

Ramadan: Objectives & Lessons to Learn (Part 1)

Have you ever contemplated on the way Ramadan fasting is prescribed in the Qur'an? What could t ...