Why are we fasting?

Ramadan Checklist: Get on the Right Track

How could we make use of the Holy Month to transform our whole life, be better individuals, get ...

Ramadan Chronicles Day 2

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 2

It’s the second day of our fasting, and in efforts to get closer to God every day, what supplic ...

Praying to our Creator for mercy and wisdom.

Ramadan: Unsealing Hearts

How do you feel about the arrival of Ramadan? What does the Holy Month mean to you? What impact ...

The family does not have the same belief as you. Therefore, they find it very difficult to understand why you fast.

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 1

Here we are on the first day of Ramadan with a new life, a new beginning and a new breath. And ...

the beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Ramadan’s Chronicles: One Supplication a Day

What kinds of supplications are there, and what should we say in our prayer in Ramadan? What if ...

Ramadan’s last ten days

Ramadan’s Most Special Days: Unmatched Rewards

What is special about Ramadan’s last ten days; why are they that blessed? What do I do in these ...

New Muslims & Ramadan’s Last Precious Ten Days

New Muslims & Ramadan’s Last Precious Ten Days

How’s Ramadan going with you? How do you find yourself, your heart and worship so far? The last ...


The Prophet’s Tahajjud Prayer

How did Prophet Muhammad perform the late night prayer? How did he praise Allah? What du`aa’ di ...

The goal of fasting is taqwa

Ramadan: Reshape Your Life with the Qur’an

Between Ramadan, the Qur’an and our hearts is a unique relationship. How can we take better adv ...

Muhammad: The First Years of His Message

Let us now approach the first years of his message. Those were years one rarely finds an equal ...

Witnessing God’s Bounty and Your Shortcomings: 23rd Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Witnessing God’s Bounty and Your Shortcomings: 23rd Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

If you want the doors of hope opened, recall what He offers you, and if the doors of awe opened ...

Mercy with People’s Faults-Twenty Second Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Mercy with People’s Faults: Twenty Second Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

A person, who learns of people’s secrets and does not have Godly mercy on them, brings upon him ...

Prophet’s Physical Features

Prophet’s Physical Features: As If You Were Seeing Him

One feels amazed by the degree of detailing in the description of the Prophet’s physical featur ...

Dealing with People’s Praise

Dealing with People’s Praise: Twenty First Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

While journeying to God we will be put to many tests. One of those tests pertains to people's p ...

Certainty of Faith, Indifference about the World- Twentieth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Certainty of Faith, Indifference about the World: Twentieth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

I cannot proceed in my journey to God while forgetting my journey to the Hereafter. One should ...

Tolerance and Mercy in the Prophetic Sunnah

Tolerance and Mercy in the Prophetic Sunnah

Learn about the virtues of tolerance and mercy, their importance in the Islamic teachings, and ...

Distress and Need of God

Distress and Need of Him: Nineteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

The word of wisdom under discussion is about du`aa’ (supplication). It is not about the etiquet ...

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do during that night?

Laylat Al-Qadr: Signs and Virtues

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do ...

How to Spend the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

Ramadan is coming to a close, but we still have a chance to make use of it during the last few ...

Ramadan in the Prophetic Sunnah

Ramadan in the Prophetic Sunnah

Learn about the virtuous month of Ramadan, its goodness, and unmatched blessings from the Proph ...