
Through Knowledge You Become Muslim

How knowledge is critical to the preservation of religion in our hearts and on the ground as we ...

Noah's ark discovered

Prophet Noah’s Call and Message

As all God’s prophets, Noah was sent with a specific message; go back to God. How did he call h ...

Son of Arnoud van Doorn

Son of Former Anti-Islam Advocate Accepts Islam

“I saw my father become more peaceful after converting to Islam. That’s when I realized there i ...

tree nature

New Muslims: How to Find Support and Strength

Why though feeling the beauty of Islam might some new Muslims end up leaving the peace they’ve ...

nature-green fields

Make Your Way to Jannah

How do we get closer to Paradise? How do we engage in constant self-development process every s ...


I Want to Be Muslim, But…

When one is a convert it is undoubtedly frightening and overwhelming. Being a Muslim is no way ...

Noah movie

Between Russell Crowe, Biblical Noah and Qur’anic Noah

While the story of Prophet Noah is cited only once in the Genesis, it is recounted several time ...

prayer beads

What Makes Me a Muslim?

In addressing your Muslim identity, there are some questions you needs to ask: What makes a Mus ...


Salman Al-Farisi: A Journey of Truth and Existence (2/3)

Leaving the luxury and wealth of his family, to the wilderness of desert, Salamsn set out on un ...

nature landscape

From Adam to Noah: The Need for Guidance

How did people live before the coming of Prophet Noah? What happened to the concept of the Onen ...

Khalil Meek

From a Christian Preacher to a Muslim Community Leader: Khalil Meek

What did make a Christian of such a conservative upbringing, who always believed in Christianit ...

nature creation

Islam and the Common Origin of Humanity

O mankind! Be conscious of your Lord, who has created you from one soul (Adam), and out of it c ...


God: The All-Loving, the Merciful

How is God loving and merciful? What does divine love look like? How is it manifested in the cr ...

Imam Yahya Graff

From a Christian to a Houston Imam: Yahya Graff

From a Christian to not just a Muslim, but also a prominent imam and teacher in Huston, Texas, ...

Muslims pray in New York

American New Muslims and the Challenges of Conversion

Choosing Islam as your way of life is no way easy or effortless. It is a journey of challenges ...


The Moral System of Islam: Motives and Practices

Why do we willingly and voluntarily obey God, submit to His will? What does stimulate us to adh ...

beautiful nature

Life’s True Joy and Major Assets

Between life’s countless pleasures and temptations and one’s commitment to their faith and God, ...

(Al-Ma’idah 5:8)

What Does Islam Teach about Justice?

What does the Qur’an say about justice, and how is it related to belief? How does a Muslim act ...


Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam

What rights does Islam set for non-Muslims? Are they given any under Islam? How does Islam see ...

Duplin Mosque

Ireland’s Muslims and the Quest for the Truth

How did Philip and Rasheed find Islam? How did they find their feet in the religion? How do the ...