
The Prophet and Children

What does a family mean in Islam and how do we develop your family relations? What kind of a ...

The mountain of Thawr

Emigration to Madinah: Lessons for New Muslims

What do you know about the Prophet’s Hijrah? What lessons does it offer on the life of a Muslim ...


Islam…It’s My Decision to Find Peace

From Christianity to Islam is April’s ever-changing decision no matter how hard the reaction of ...

So why go to anyone else when we can go to Allah?

New Muslims Searching for Inner Peace (Part 2)

How could a person who has just become Muslim to achieve inner peace and still be in accord wit ...

New Muslims Searching for Inner Peace (1)

Have become a Muslim? How do you see yourself? How do others see you? What do you expect of you ...

Queenie Padilla after Hajj

"Islam is a way of life. When you start to (become a) Muslim, you know (what) your life purpose ...

Pilgrims throw stones at Satan.

Fruits of Hajj (3/3)

In former articles, we touched on a number of the lessons and messages taken from Hajj. We are ...


Fruits of Hajj? (2/3)

Affiliation to Islam means to set your beliefs, aims, relationships, transactions, worship and ...

How to Make Hajj (3/3)

After finishing the rituals of the first day of `Eid, you are done with the major rituals of Ha ...

How to Make Hajj (2/3)

After you have made the necessary preparations - paid your debts, repented, absolved yourself o ...


Offering Sacrifice: Refrain from This

Offering the sacrifice during the `Eid is a divine order from Allah to Muslims. But do you know ...

The Sacrifice: Rulings and Conditions

Who should sacrifice and what are the conditions? What is the time of sacrifice? What should th ...


Hajj: Why and How?

The sacred month of Dhul-Hijjah is approaching when the journey of a lifetime takes place. What ...


Humility in Prayer

How to bring together your body, mind, heart and soul in prayer is not easy but not difficult a ...


Bilal ibn Rabah: A Miracle of Faith & Truthfulness

How did Bilal ibn Rabah, the Abyssinian who once was only a slave, become one of the great and ...

nature, love, fatimah

Prophet Muhammad: The Father of Fatimah

The Prophet and Fatimah were not just a father and a daughter. Their relationship was one of a ...

Martin Lejeune

German Journalist, Martin Lejeune, Accepts Islam on `Eid Al-Fitr

German journalist Martin Lejeune came forward to announce his reversion to Islam, pronouncing s ...

Making the Ramadan Spirit Last

Ramadan was our chance to grow, to learn and to experience a variety of different emotions and ...

first eid

A Day of Celebration: My First Eid

Regent's Park Mosque in London, or London Central Mosque as it is more properly known, played a ...

Fasting: Exclusively Private Worship

Fasting: Exclusively Private Worship

How does Allah, throughout Ramadan, put to the test a Muslim`s faith for a full month? Who are ...