Enjoying-God’s Company

Enjoying God’s Company and Praying to Him: Seventeenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

If He takes you away from people, then know that He is opening to you the doors of His Company. ...

Two Requirements to Understand the Qur'an

Two Requirements to Understand the Qur’an

There're two kinds of requirements for understanding and benefiting from the Qur'an.Learn about ...

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq: The Skinny but Great Man

In physical appearance, Abu Bakr was a slender man with a slightly bent waist t. He was very ge ...

why we pray

That’s Why We Pray..

Why do we need prayer? What is the meaning behind that standing between the hands of God? How d ...


Life of the Prophet: The Message for Present Muslims

Going through the prophet’s life there are timeless lessons every Muslim can extract and imple ...

Understanding God’s Giving and Deprivation

Understanding God’s Giving and Deprivation: Sixteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

At times, God gives you and at other times He deprives you. God might test you through bad and ...

Muslims praying

Praying on Time: Between Deep Faith & Fashionable Identity

Anywhere on earth prayer can be performed. An American Muslim sister tells her experience with ...

what after ramadan

What’s After Ramadan?

What should we do after Ramadan? How should we carry the torch of Ramadan forward? How should w ...

connected to qur'an

8 Tips to Stay Connected to the Qur’an After Ramadan

Do you feel as your life lacks something after Ramadan? What is the real cause of this feeling? ...


Carrying the Torch of Ramadan Forward

How do we become among Allah's servants, over which Satan has no authority? How do we continue ...

What is `Eid Al-Fitr?

`Eid Al-Fitr: Prayer and Celebrations

The first morning after Ramadan is the beginning of a very unique, jolly day with religious and ...

Prayers of the Pious 28- If You Have Written Me From The Sinful

Prayers of the Pious (28): If You Have Written Me From The Sinful

Can you change what has been decreed? Today’s episode covers `Umar’s (may Allah be pleased with ...

end of Ramadan

How Do We End Our Ramadan?

All Praise and Thanks are due to Allah the Almighty Who has blessed us with witnessing yet ano ...

Prayers of the Pious 26 -You Are You, and I Am Me

Prayers of the Pious (26): You Are You, and I Am Me

Today’s du`aa' is an example of how making du`aa' to Allah doesn’t have to be complicated, and ...

Prayers of the Pious 27-You Took My Kids

Prayers of the Pious (27): You Took My Kids

In today’s episode, Sheikh Omar Suleiman reflects upon the righteous du’a of `Umar Ibn `Abd Al- ...

Prayers of the Pious 25-Oh Teacher of Abraham

Prayers of the Pious (25): Oh Teacher of Abraham

In today’s episode, Sheikh Omar Suleiman covers a prayer narrated by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim that hi ...

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do during that night?

Laylat Al-Qadr: Signs and Virtues

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do ...

Prayers of the Pious 24-Your Beautiful Veil

Prayers of the Pious (24): Your Beautiful Veil

Today’s episode covers the beautiful du`a' of Sufyan Ibn ‘Uyaynah, and the benefits of privatiz ...

An Unmatched Night: Don’t Miss

The time is prime to look back on the days of Ramadan that have already passed and see how you ...

Prayers of the Pious 22- Your Perfect Light

Prayers of the Pious (22): Your Perfect Light

This episode walks us through the beautiful nightly prayer of `Ali Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be ...