Muslim prayer

Worship in Islam: Its Meaning and Necessity

How worshipping God is viewed in Islam? Why do we humans need prayer, fasting, etc.? Can’t I be ...

For These Reasons We Convert to Islam

We often hear the statement ‘Once you become Muslim, you no longer are the same’. Yet, how Isla ...

Converting to Islam and the Real Meaning of Life

After becoming a Muslim, the whole life is no more the same. How? What implications does becomi ...


The Rights towards God

What duties do we, creatures, owe to God? What are the requirements of being Muslim? What sense ...

The Deeds Most Beloved to God: The Gates to Goodness

From God’s mercy, there’re some deeds through which we get closer to Him, earn His good pleasur ...


Worship in Islam: Why Obligatory?

Why is worship obligatory upon Muslims? What does worship teaches us? What are its impacts on i ...