One of the reasons why Fasting is so difficult at times, is because the reward is so great. Eve ...
Reflect for a moment on what makes you and your closest friends closer than other people. Often ...
How does Ramadan liberate man from what holds them back or down? How does fasting reshape our s ...
There are things that could possibly spoil our fasting, ruin our Ramadan from the very beginnin ...
When we say Allah Al-Kareem, what is meant by that? In what ways is He the Most generous? Where ...
It’s not such a bad idea giving yourself time and space to go back and look on your past self, ...
Can just the uttering of verbal pledge transform one from kufr to iman, or guarantee a change o ...
Being a Muslim was really no choice at all she never considered herself to be seeking God, she ...
What does make a person choose Islam? What is their acceptance of Islam as the ultimate truth b ...
Just made the biggest decision of their lives, migrated to a new path of living; to a religion ...
The Huffington Post asked Muslim college students about what they'd like non-Muslims to know ab ...
Needless to say, we all are Shahadah-event enthusiasts, but after their embracing Islam, how do ...
Boston College Muslim students are talking about how they practice Islam on daily basis and the ...
How do Muslims and Islamic institutions contribute to the ethnic and cultural diversity in the ...
Themselves diverse, how do Muslims reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity in the American po ...
How is God Al-Mu’min, the Believer? In what does Allah believe? What does the name tell about G ...
Between life’s countless pleasures and temptations and one’s commitment to their faith and God, ...
How did Philip and Rasheed find Islam? How did they find their feet in the religion? How do the ...
My life has been very different after converting to Islam. It has been one of the most beautifu ...
What does make some 500 Irish citizens convert to Islam every year? What were they looking for? ...