In the midst of the boisterous commotion of life, and people running after their long and short ...
Why do Muslims make pilgrimage to Makkah? What is the significance of some of the rituals perfo ...
The course of Hajj is another unique characteristic of Islam, it is enjoined by God to serve ma ...
Before embracing Islam William’s life was one of a typical American. What have brought him from ...
Should we hate the people who did wrong to us, get back at them? Isn’t hatred a natural human f ...
Who are the People of the Book? What does the Qur’an say about them? Does Islam regard them as ...
It doesn’t take long to testify that there’s no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, bu ...
What does the Qur’an say about justice, and how is it related to belief? How does a Muslim act ...