True Freedom

Islam: The True Emancipator of Women Converts

Does Islam suffocate women’s freedom and rights to live properly or does it help them reclaim t ...


Women Before and After Islam

Did you know not that in the Christian France in 586 AD a conference was held to discuss whethe ...

happy Valentine’s Day

New Muslims and the Valentine’s Day Traps

Since in Islam, we do not “date” and intermingle with the opposite sex, how does a new Muslim f ...

German Far-right Politician, Arthur Wagner, Converts to Islam

German Far-right Politician, Arthur Wagner, Converts to Islam

Arthur Wagner, a member of the far-right, anti-Islam Alternative for Germany (AfD) has converte ...

Muhammad to His Companions: The Light They Followed

What was Prophet Muhammad to his Companions? What did make them believe in him, cherish him, sa ...

If This Is Islam, I Want to Be Muslim- This Is How I Found Islam

How did this new Muslim sister find her way to Islam? When was the beginning? What happened w ...

I Have Found True Life and Absolute Peace: My Journey to Islam

Sami is an American living in Saudi Arabia. He came to Saudi Arabia in 2011 for work. When he c ...

The Adhan Its Virtues and History

The Adhan: Its Virtues and History

The adhan, although it has very few words, covers all essentials of the faith. How is that? Wha ...

Life after Death

How Do You Know There Is Life after Death?

Someone might wonder how a rational, practical minded person could believe in life after death. ...

What Is the Purpose of Our Creation?

In a world where everything is shown to have a purpose, it is natural for a human being to wond ...

Top 10 Celebrities Who Have Converted to Islam

With average citizens turning towards Islam, famous celebs have also come forward, admitting to ...

When Did the Adhan Become the Call to Prayer?

When the Muslim community migrated to Madinah, they faced all sorts of new questions – like whe ...

Worship, Humanity

Worship, Humanity and Individual Liberties

What is the significance of worship? What are its benefits? What does worship mean? Does it com ...

What Has Becoming a Muslim Done for Me

My Journey to Islam: What Has Becoming a Muslim Done for Me?

Years since I converted and I find myself sometimes asking “Did I really need to convert or was ...

journey to Islam

My journey to Islam: A Journey of Seeking God’s Love

I failed to see Christianity as truth which led me to see many examples of the inconsistencies ...

Converts, sun rays

Converts: We Want To Be Good Muslims, But..

Becoming a Muslim is a scary undertaking. With so much unknown that lies ahead, converting to I ...

Ibn `Umar tenderness

`Abdullah ibn `Umar: A Great Man with a Tender Heart (Part 2)

Generosity, asceticism and piety all worked together in complete harmony to shape the most magn ...

British Police Officer Daniel Binichi

British Police Officer: Islam Is the Defining Point in My Life

Daniel wasn’t thinking of becoming Muslim. How Did this British police officer find Islam? How ...

Dutch Belgian Man Travelled the World, Found Islam

This Dutch Belgian Man Travelled the World & Found Islam

Embarked on his lifelong dream of travelling the world, visiting 60 countries in 4 years, a 29 ...

Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqas: The Lion's Claws!

Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqas: The Lion’s Claws!

Possessing two weapons, his lance and his prayer. Whenever Sa`d pierced an enemy with his lance ...