inner self

Ramadan: A Time to Know Your Inner Self

How does Ramadan liberate man from what holds them back or down? How does fasting reshape our s ...


Don’t Let Your Tongue Spoil Your Ramadan

There are things that could possibly spoil our fasting, ruin our Ramadan from the very beginnin ...

Ramadan crescent

Your First Ramadan: Get It Right

Looking ahead to your first Ramadan as a Muslim? How do you expect it to be? What plans do you ...


For Valid Acts of Worship

Why are we obliged to worship God? How do we properly meet such obligation? What guarantees a v ...

Ramadan Objectives & Lessons (1)

Ramadan: Objectives & Lessons to Learn (Part 1)

Have you ever contemplated on the way Ramadan fasting is prescribed in the Qur'an? What could t ...

Ramadan: The Embodiment of Discipline

Ramadan: The Embodiment of Discipline

What does fasting Ramadan implant in us? How does Ramadan shape our behavioral traits? What vir ...

Ramadan Objectives & Lessons

Ramadan: Objectives & Lessons to Learn (Part 2)

Through Ramadan what does God want to teach us? What message does it have for us? What should w ...

What if you don’t get another Ramadan?

Ramadan..Seize It before It’s Too Late

Don’t let the opportunity of Ramadan escape before leaving a real change in your life. What if ...


What Do You Know about Ramadan?

What is Ramadan and what is special about that month? What is fasting and how do Muslims fast? ...

Ramadan is a month awaited by Muslims.

Ramadan in a Non-Muslim Society

Ramadan in a non-Muslim country can be challenging. But, what challenges does it pose? How can ...

Emotional Month

A New Muslim’s Life-changing Ramadan

Tracy, a former Catholic, converted to Islam last August. Here’s what she feels about her first ...

inner self

Ramadan: It’s Time to Know Your Inner Self

How does Ramadan liberate man from what holds them back or down? How does fasting reshape our s ...

Ramadan.. Ready for the Blessings!

Ramadan: Ready for the Blessings?

When was the last time you really felt the nearness of God? Even with a mountain of sins, mista ...

best Ramadan

Make This Ramadan Your Best Ramadan Ever

How much have you achieved in Ramadan so far? What were your goals for the month? Do you stick ...


The Rights towards God

What duties do we, creatures, owe to God? What are the requirements of being Muslim? What sense ...

The Deeds Most Beloved to God: The Gates to Goodness

From God’s mercy, there’re some deeds through which we get closer to Him, earn His good pleasur ...

Fasting with the Prophet: Day 27

Still following in the last ten days of Ramadan on the footsteps of the Prophet (peace be upon ...

Women I`tikaf

Women I`tikaf: At Mosques or at Homes?

Is it allowed for women to do i`tikaf for the last ten days of Ramadan? If yes, is i`tikaf perf ...

Fasting with the Prophet: Day 26

Learn about the Prophet’s fasting, your religion, and many other things each single day of the ...

Ramadan: Get Ready for the Season of Goodness

Fasting with the Prophet: Day 25

On Day 25 of Ramadan we are trying to get the very essence of our religion through understandin ...