Murder: A Major Sin in Islam

Murder is indeed a heinous crime that is naturally rejected by all humans. Almighty Allah threa ...


Zakah: On What & How Much?

It is common knowledge that zakah is a pillar of Islam. But, what are the things that we are re ...

Mohammed: Was he a Messenger from God

Muhammad: The Mercy for All Mankind

Prophet Muhammad was sent a mercy for all mankind. He called people to the worship of the One a ...

The One & Only God – Allah

Almighty Allah is the Creator of all that exists. He brought the entire universe into being and ...


Generosity in Islam

Moral standards are universal, and one of the most important aspects of Islam is adherence to h ...

Consideration for Neighbors

Consideration for Neighbors

Prophet Muhammad warned his Companions against harming or upsetting neighbors. In a hadith repo ...

Status of the Sunnah in Islam

Salem Al-`Amry talks on a very important subject that every muslim needs to know; that is the S ...

What Islam Says About Adultery

Adultery is against sound natural disposition, regardless of religion. This crime is looked upo ...

Q & A on Zakah

All of us need to get knowledge regarding such an important obligation in Islam as zakah. Watch ...

Zakah & Sadaqah: What Is the Difference?

Zakat and Sadaqah are forms of charity given by Muslims. The two are different in their own res ...

The First Pillar of Islam: Testimony of Faith

The First Pillar of Islam: Testimony of Faith

The first part of this testimony states that Allah has the exclusive right to be worshipped inw ...

The Second Pillar of Islam: Prayer

The Second Pillar of Islam: Prayer

Having specific times each day to be close to Allah helps Muslims remain aware of the importanc ...

Some of the Youngest Muslim Reverts

This video just Shows kids who were interested in Islam. They were attracted to the Mosque and ...


Lord Headley Al-Farooq

About the Author: Lord Headley al-Farooq (Rt. Hon. Sir Rowland George Allanson) was born in 185 ...

BBC News British Youth Christians Turning To ISLAM

BBC News British Youth Christians Turning To ISLAM ...

Pre-Requisites & Wudu (Ablution)

My Prayer (3) – Prerequisites & Wudu’

In this training program, the sheikh speaks about the prerequisites of Prayer, mainly the ablut ...

My Prayer (4) – Step-by-Step Guide (1)

In this video, the sheikh moves to explaining the practical performance of Prayer. ...

Part 4 Step by Step Guide Part 2 of 2

My Prayer (5) – Step-by-Step Guide (2)

The sheikh continues to explain in a practical and detailed way how a Muslim should perform the ...

The Call to Prayer – Listen

Listen to the call to Prayer (adhan) made in such a melodious voice and with English translatio ...

The Fajr Prayer

My Prayer – The Fajr Prayer

This video teaches you in a practical and detailed manner how to perform Fajr Prayer. ...