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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

Prophet Muhammad: The Man Who Educated Humanity

Originally posted 2013-09-09 08:17:21.

“Seek knowledge form the cradle to the grave.” What does this saying of the Prophet Muhammad imply? What is Islam’s take on education? How does the Prophet inspire Muslims to seek knowledge? How does acquiring knowledge help a person?

The Prophet (peace be on him) also said: “He who travels in search of knowledge, to him Allah shows the way to Paradise”. (Al-Bukhari)

In Islam learning is a duty for all Muslim men, women and children that by Knowledge we have the ability to learn about and reflect on God, His signs and perfect creation, differentiate between right and wrong, contribute to humanity, what help keep us on the right path.

In this show of ‘Inspired by Muhammad’ campaign, Akram Khan-Cheema, an outstanding inspiring Islamic lecturer and teacher trainer, who describes Islamic schools as “one of the most important factors which protect Muslim children from the onslaught of Euro-centrism, homosexuality, racism, and secular traditions”.

Watch him reflect on the great emphasis Prophet Muhammad placed on education and how this inspires him to contribute to society, help educate Muslims.

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