According to UNESCO, the oldest university in the world was founded by a Muslim woman. Who was ...
Do you know that during his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad took counsel with and encouraged over 60 ...
Did you know not that in the Christian France in 586 AD a conference was held to discuss whethe ...
Nowadays, there some sister who find it difficult to find a Muslim man to marry. Yet, there are ...
Since in Islam, we do not “date” and intermingle with the opposite sex, how does a new Muslim f ...
World Hijab Day (WHD) is an annual event in its fifth year. On February 1st of every year, WHD ...
What did motivate Yasmin Mogahed to wear the hijab at that age of 13? What change did hijab bri ...
Because he realized the nature of the human self; its needs, defects and desires, and because h ...
The Messenger of Allah never found any fault in food. If he liked it he ate it, and if he did n ...
In the world we live in today, especially for those living in the West, opposite gender interac ...
According to Islam, the golden rules of balance and moderation govern man’s financial conduct. ...
Western Muslims have to rethink their presence in the West more comprehensively. How could they ...
Despite the unusual environment in which the Prophet Yusuf lived in, he had to carry out his mi ...
What do the pillars of Islam have to do with the social relations? What message do they have fo ...
The true Muslim is the one who doesn’t rely only upon their declaration of Islam, acts of worsh ...
What do you do when you come to the end of a period of great effort and find only an insurmount ...
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either sp ...
Allah has demanded of the people that they should build up their life on the foundation of trut ...
Islam places great importance on kind treatment and social ties, not to mention one’s family an ...
Are democracy and democratic practices something known to Islam? Is it compatible with Islamic ...