Is it obligatory for a new Muslim to say their declaration of faith in Arabic? Is it a norm or ...
Al-Sabr means to restrain oneself from neglecting Allah’s commands, indulging in prohibitions o ...
A commitment to one’s partner, to life itself, to society, and most importantly, to God. How ch ...
Islam’s code of modesty extends to all aspects of one’s life, including attire. b, the head-cov ...
Hijrah to Madinah, no doubt, kindled the light of hope in the hearts of the early Muslims who s ...
It was when Prophet Muhammad began calling people to Islam after the revelation came to Him. He ...
Tawakkul (putting your trust in God) along with observing worldly material means is the compone ...
What is social system in Islam based on? What does the Islamic ideological society look like? H ...
This article discusses the meaning of Udhiyah, its legal ruling, the prerequisites, the time fo ...
The article clarifies that moderation is most required by the texts of the Glorious Qur’an and ...
Though we are not exactly alike, we are equal. How? What does equality mean? Didn’t Allah creat ...
Islam commands that in the hearts of the children the seeds of the greatness and importance of ...
Ben Bird tells his story of conversion to Islam and how he was affected by Mohamed Salah to an ...
The right of security and protection to a person and all his family is the most basic of all hu ...
I want to learn Arabic. As a beginner, what should I do? How should I proceed, and from where? ...
Because the Prophet’s intervention women were treated as equals, given rights. Learn how the Pr ...
You can choose either to be a product of a society that makes women second-class citizens by di ...
Have taken the courageous step of submitting to the will of God, you , through devotion to Him ...
Greeting in Islam not only increases friendship, harmony and respect, it simultaneously signifi ...
Thankfulness is among the stations of those journeying to Allah… How does giving thanks contrib ...