As a convert to Islam, you can easily remember the moment that you discovered that Islam was th ...
Moral standards are universal, and one of the most important aspects of Islam is adherence to h ...
Prophet Muhammad warned his Companions against harming or upsetting neighbors. In a hadith repo ...
A true believer, one who is truly submitted to Allah, has many characteristics by which he or s ...
Sheikh Yusuf Estes talks about the relationship between boys and girls in Islam. ...
Islam is a complete code of conduct. How should we conduct ourselves? How should we act in a ce ...
The Inspired by Muhammad campaign was designed to improve the public understanding of Islam and ...
This film, produced by the Science Research Foundation, a Harun Yahya institution, presents the ...
Are women degraded in Islam? Do women have rights in Islam? Do women have a right to participat ...
Are you of those who count? Are you an active member of your community? How should you contribu ...
How could a new Muslim go through New Year festivities and rise to the occasion? How could they ...
How does Islam view human life? What laws has Allah placed to regulate and promote such life? H ...
Islam is a beautiful religion that stresses the qualities of mercy, tolerance and respect among ...
An explanation of hadith no. 36 from An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith. The hadith highlights several pr ...
God created man to live in harmony with other aspects of His creation not to waste or misuse th ...
Islam stresses the importnace of a strong family relationship where every member knows their du ...
Imagine you find yourself imprisoned in a strange land. You have been imprisoned for several we ...
How to deal with despair and suicidal thoughts, why one should never despair of the mercy of Al ...
Conversion to Islam helps a person lead a happy and meaningful life in which he or she can expe ...
Why are mosques established in Islam? What roles do they play? Beside prayer, what other roles ...