How does the Qur’an define the believers? How does it construct man to conduct? Is true belief ...
Hypocrisy, in the form of untruthfulness, dishonesty, etc. is no way a trait of a Muslim or Isl ...
Is a devoted practicing Muslim required to be harsh towards oneself and others? Did Islam came ...
Prophet Muhammad was the embodiment of cleanness and purity. Learn how our beloved Prophet was ...
How do you play your role in your family, community, and in life? How do you manage your family ...
How often do you feel lonely and cut off? What do you usually do when you are trapped in such f ...
Do we own time? How is it precious? How do you spend your time? What does Islam say about it? W ...
We, humans, are different by nature, but how we differ and react to our differences is what mat ...
How could we be of a true modest disposition? What areas in our character and life should be wo ...
What does the word haya’ mean in Islam? How does Islam define modesty? How does it relate to on ...
Acquiring knowledge generally is not a luxury, and about one’s religion it’s a must When ever w ...
If I commit wrong, could you pay for my sins? If a group or political leader misleads their fol ...
What morals does Islam call for and for what purpose? Are they something novel or mysterious fr ...
How could we acquire patience? And how would patience help keep evil away from us? How could we ...
In this video of a lecture on hadith (Prophetic narrations) by Sh. Usama Elsayed, a cat enters ...
As a convert to Islam, you can easily remember the moment that you discovered that Islam was th ...
Moral standards are universal, and one of the most important aspects of Islam is adherence to h ...
A true believer, one who is truly submitted to Allah, has many characteristics by which he or s ...
Islam is a complete code of conduct. How should we conduct ourselves? How should we act in a ce ...
The Inspired by Muhammad campaign was designed to improve the public understanding of Islam and ...