Ramadan is coming to a close, but we still have a chance to make use of it during the last few ...
Living with your non-Muslim family as a new Muslim poses many different challenges and in my ex ...
Learn about the virtuous month of Ramadan, its goodness, and unmatched blessings from the Proph ...
Ramadan is the season of goodness, blessings; a time in which rewards are multiplied and heart ...
How did this young Swedish goalkeeper became Muslim? What difficulties have she come through? H ...
Are you overwhelmed? Are you nervous about the countdown to Ramadan? Is this your first time fa ...
Why do Muslim women wear the hijab? How should it look like? Why was the hijab prescribed for w ...
to help you prepare for and during Ramadan... ...
Two momentous events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) bear special significa ...
If a certain hardship or test is meant to reflect Allah's wisdom and purpose, passing such a te ...
The month of Sha`ban is the eighth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, which has a special sig ...
Why should the Muslim perform ghusl before going to Friday Prayer? Is it obligatory or preferre ...
Why was the Prophet taken on the Night journey? Was it a spiritual or physical one? What did Go ...
These social diseases are so dangerous that they can weaken the strong relationship between peo ...
We are still passing though the stage of cleaning up in our journey to God. It’s about a seriou ...
In marriage there is comfort to the soul, there is beauty to look at, there is company, and the ...
The month of Rajab is one of the Arab and Islamic Hijri lunar months. The word rajab is derived ...
Yahya's love for boxing and for Muhammad Ali made him name his child after the Muslim boxing ch ...
To found a strong sound society, the Qur’an guides Muslims to avoid social maladies. Learn abou ...
“Marriage is my recommended custom. Whoso-ever turns away from my recommended custom is turning ...