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Step by Step Guide to Prayer
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Muslim’s Rights towards the Prophet

The Muslim’s Rights towards the Prophet

One is not a Muslim until he believes and obeys Prophet Muhammad, giving him his due rights. So ...

What Are the Individual and Social Effects of Worship?

What Are the Individual and Social Effects of Worship?

Worship is obligatory upon every Muslim who is mentally sane and has reached the age of puberty ...

Being Human in Islam: Their Rights and Dignity

Being Human in Islam: Their Rights and Dignity

What rights does man have in Islam? How does Islam defend and protect human rights? As far as f ...

Prophet’s Physical Features: As If You Were Seeing Him

Prophet’s Physical Features: As If You Were Seeing Him

One feels amazed by the degree of detailing in the description of the Prophet’s physical featur ...

Tolerance and Mercy in the Prophetic Sunnah

Tolerance and Mercy in the Prophetic Sunnah

Learn about the virtues of tolerance and mercy, their importance in the Islamic teachings, and ...

Muhammad: The Exemplar of Coexistence and Moderation

Muhammad: The Exemplar of Coexistence and Moderation

Forgiveness, moderation, justice, and mercy are the basics of Islamic ethics which were reflec ...

After Hajj: A Blessed Life and Embodied Lessons

After Hajj: A Blessed Life and Embodied Lessons

How does Hajj actually benefit those who perform it? How long does its impact last? How might w ...

Hajj: Unity Towards the Centre

Hajj: Unity Towards the Centre

Close your eyes and visualize what it must be like to see people from countless communities and ...

A French Youngman: I Was Blessed to Find Islam

A French Youngman: I Was Blessed to Find Islam

Matthieu is a 22-year old French who became Muslim a few years ago. How did he lfind Islam? Do ...

That’s Why We Pray..

That’s Why We Pray..

Why do we need prayer? What is the meaning behind that standing between the hands of God? How d ...

Life of the Prophet: The Message for Present Muslims

Life of the Prophet: The Message for Present Muslims

Going through the prophet’s life there are timeless lessons every Muslim can extract and imple ...

Praying on Time: Between Deep Faith & Fashionable Identity

Praying on Time: Between Deep Faith & Fashionable Identity

Anywhere on earth prayer can be performed. An American Muslim sister tells her experience with ...

What’s After Ramadan?

What’s After Ramadan?

What should we do after Ramadan? How should we carry the torch of Ramadan forward? How should w ...

8 Tips to Stay Connected to the Qur’an After Ramadan

8 Tips to Stay Connected to the Qur’an After Ramadan

Do you feel as your life lacks something after Ramadan? What is the real cause of this feeling? ...

Carrying the Torch of Ramadan Forward

Carrying the Torch of Ramadan Forward

How do we become among Allah's servants, over which Satan has no authority? How do we continue ...

`Eid Al-Fitr: Prayer and Celebrations

`Eid Al-Fitr: Prayer and Celebrations

The first morning after Ramadan is the beginning of a very unique, jolly day with religious and ...

Muslims on the Day of `Eid Al-Fitr

Muslims on the Day of `Eid Al-Fitr

What are the etiquettes of `Eid Al-Fitr? What is recommended in offering `Eid Prayer? Is it rec ...

How Do We End Our Ramadan?

How Do We End Our Ramadan?

All Praise and Thanks are due to Allah the Almighty Who has blessed us with witnessing yet ano ...

Laylat Al-Qadr: Signs and Virtues

Laylat Al-Qadr: Signs and Virtues

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do ...

An Unmatched Night: Don’t Miss

An Unmatched Night: Don’t Miss

The time is prime to look back on the days of Ramadan that have already passed and see how you ...