Are you new to Islam and don’t know how to pray and make your Salah valid? How to perform Ablut ...
When is it permissible for a woman to go to the mosque for prayer and attend gatherings for the ...
You can choose either to be a product of a society that makes women second-class citizens by di ...
When you're looking for a good book of Seerah, the best way to choose is to figure out what you ...
Have taken the courageous step of submitting to the will of God, you , through devotion to Him ...
Due to the concept of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” Allah brought the creation into being, and due to t ...
Tara Dahane shares her story about her journey to wear hijab in the hope that some aspiring si ...
Greeting in Islam not only increases friendship, harmony and respect, it simultaneously signifi ...
Every Muslim should know that ablution has certain conditions, obligatory acts, and sunnah prac ...
What she had thought all her life about Islam has nothing to do with the true religion and the ...
What does the word mosque originally mean and where did it come from? Why were mosques built? ...
What kind of life does a Muslim live? Just a human’s, what does distinguish the life of a Musli ...
How can a woman distinguish between istihadah and menstruatuon? what are the legal rulings rega ...
Thankfulness is among the stations of those journeying to Allah… How does giving thanks contrib ...
This article talks about the life of our Lady, Khadijah, her qualities, merits and her help and ...
How come my inner beliefs are not enough to make me a Muslim? In Islam belief and conduct on th ...
Muslims believe in all the heavenly Books including the Torah, the Psalms, the Injil, the Scrol ...
What does the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad say about suicide bombings or killing an ...
Does Islam allow women to attend the mosques to witness congregational prayer and assemblies fo ...
To lighten the burdens of travel, Islam allows its followers to shorten the Prayer during their ...