As a psychological, social, spiritual, mental and naturally instinctive human attitude, prayer ...
In Islam prayers are required five times a day. How are they distributed throughout the day? Wh ...
What is Witr Prayer? How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) performed it? What does distinguis ...
What is Qunut? How should you make du`aa’ in Witr Prayer? ...
What is the recommended time of the Night Prayer? What are the etiquettes of the Night Prayer? ...
What is the ruling of performing Tarawih Prayer at the Masjid? How did the Prophet’s wives perf ...
One night, as the Prophet was asleep in the home of his cousin Umm Hani in Makkah, the Angel Ga ...
Prayer, that magnificent act of worship, has a system and format. Therefore, before standing be ...
How to maintain the five times a day Prayer, get away from laziness and procrastination? How to ...
Are there types of prayer in Islam? If so, could one be replaced with another? Is prayer the sa ...
Can you pray Sunnah prayers at home? Can you pray Sunnah prayer with your wife? To get these qu ...
What is the deadline for Fajr prayer? To know the answer, watch this short video by Dr. Muhamma ...
Why are we called to prayer? Why did God put that pressure on it? Have you ever heard the Adhan ...
If someone is in the middle of a prayer, and he has doubt in his ablution, what should he do? W ...
Islam signifies the subjection of all activities in all walks of life to the Law of God Almight ...
Is Tarawih Sunnah or obligatory? Some people pray Tarawih very quickly, how is it to do so? Is ...
Dr. Zakir Naik tells about the situation when a person wants to pray more Rak`ahs (units) other ...
A question on women Prayer in Islam. Should women cover their feet during Prayer at Home? Watch ...
Prayer is just one act amongst many acts of worship; it holds a very special place in Islam bec ...
Prayer is the first pillar of Islam that the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned after saying ...