What is the legal ruling regarding performing congregational prayer at mosques especially durin ...
The outbreak of coronavirus disease is getting bigger. So, can Muslims suspend the congregation ...
Nouman Ali Khan provides a new stunning exegesis of Ayat Al-Kursi, the greatest verse of the Qu ...
The Ka'bah is glorified by those miqats beyond which one cannot pass without being in the state ...
Islam is the greatest blessing that Allah has bestowed upon mankind and the Qur’an is the great ...
Can we use the love of Allah as a means to worship Him beyond what is in the Qur'an and Sunnah, ...
Sound belief is accomplished by removing any doubtful matters from the heart. This is easy by t ...
Islam is a large structure that combines many different aspects of human life and such a struct ...
Who are Allah’s Messengers? Why are they sent down and what role and functions do they perform? ...
How God is the Loving? What is the nature of that love, and what are its signs? How do we recei ...
Allah sent messengers and prophets to take people by the hand and direct them to the path of gu ...
Islam is built on rights and responsibilities, and it is one of the beautiful features of Islam ...
How can one get closer to God through specific acts of worship? Is it through obligatory or sup ...
One is not a Muslim until he believes and obeys Prophet Muhammad, giving him his due rights. So ...
Worship is obligatory upon every Muslim who is mentally sane and has reached the age of puberty ...
What is the real `ibadah (worship) for which God has created you and which He has enjoined upon ...
The love of God is the highest of all things. All Muslims are agreed that the love of God is a ...
As He is One in His Lordship without any partner, He is also One in His servitude. What does it ...
Do you have a business with God? How do you assess it? How often do you stop and assess your li ...
Islam is complete submission to Allah the Exalted through Tawheed (Belief in the Oneness of All ...