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Step by Step Guide to Prayer
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Abraham & His Children: All Parts of the Same Structure

Abraham & His Children: All Parts of the Same Structure

At each stage of human history no group of people were left without divine instruction. How do ...

My Favorite Name of God… What Is Yours?

My Favorite Name of God… What Is Yours?

There are various names and attributes of God, each one of them embraces many great meanings. S ...

Who Is the Muslim and How to Be One?

Who Is the Muslim and How to Be One?

You could be a slave of God or of someone or something else. That’s to serve God according to H ...

Willpower between Reliance on God and Self-Confidence

Willpower between Reliance on God and Self-Confidence

We all want to achieve success and often it is easier said than done. Is there an attainable fo ...

The Books of Allah: The Message of the Messengers

The Books of Allah: The Message of the Messengers

What are the scriptures that were revealed before the Qur’an, to whom were revealed? What do th ...

The Deeds Most Beloved to God: The Gates to Goodness

The Deeds Most Beloved to God: The Gates to Goodness

From God’s mercy, there’re some deeds through which we get closer to Him, earn His good pleasur ...

Worship in Islam: Why Obligatory?

Worship in Islam: Why Obligatory?

Why is worship obligatory upon Muslims? What does worship teaches us? What are its impacts on i ...

The Way to God: How & From Where?

The Way to God: How & From Where?

How do we acquire knowledge about God? How do we know there’s One God? And how does such knowle ...

Fear and Hope: God’s Two Blessings

Fear and Hope: God’s Two Blessings

Hope, we can all understand, is a gift from God that keeps our faith strong and our life bearab ...

He Is One and We Are All Human

He Is One and We Are All Human

What does the Oneness of God tell about our one being, human responsibility and ability? How ar ...

God Is Al-Mu’min: What Does It Mean?

God Is Al-Mu’min: What Does It Mean?

How is God Al-Mu’min, the Believer? In what does Allah believe? What does the name tell about G ...

True Faith and Personal Responsibility

True Faith and Personal Responsibility

On the journey to God, to have true faith one has to strive for purification of the self, true ...

Believers and Best Types of Worship

Believers and Best Types of Worship

The status of worship in your heart and your dedication to it shows what a kind of believer you ...

Accepting Islam: Accepting the Prophet’s Leadership

Accepting Islam: Accepting the Prophet’s Leadership

It doesn’t take long to testify that there’s no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, bu ...

Prophet Noah’s Call and Message

Prophet Noah’s Call and Message

As all God’s prophets, Noah was sent with a specific message; go back to God. How did he call h ...

Make Your Way to Jannah

Make Your Way to Jannah

How do we get closer to Paradise? How do we engage in constant self-development process every s ...

Between Russell Crowe, Biblical Noah and Qur’anic Noah

Between Russell Crowe, Biblical Noah and Qur’anic Noah

While the story of Prophet Noah is cited only once in the Genesis, it is recounted several time ...

What Makes Me a Muslim?

What Makes Me a Muslim?

In addressing your Muslim identity, there are some questions you needs to ask: What makes a Mus ...

From Adam to Noah: The Need for Guidance

From Adam to Noah: The Need for Guidance

How did people live before the coming of Prophet Noah? What happened to the concept of the Onen ...

God: The All-Loving, the Merciful

God: The All-Loving, the Merciful

How is God loving and merciful? What does divine love look like? How is it manifested in the cr ...